On the Ampleforth Pilgrimage we have often welcomed Chaplains to join us from outside of the Ampleforth Community, through our links with various groups around the UK, including the Ursuline Sisters in Brentwood, and both St Louis and Portsmouth Abbeys in the USA.
Chaplains have a central role to play within the life of the Pilgrimage, with each Group having a dedicated Chaplain, whether they be a monk of Ampleforth, a member of the clergy or, in some cases, a lay chaplain supported by the wider Chaplaincy Team.
Chaplains are involved with all aspects of the Pilgrimage and serve alongside their Group in the Acceuil Marie St Frai, with one member of the team acting as a dedicated Chaplain to those staying in the Acceuil. Chaplains, working with our Liturgy Team, lead and partake in services throughout the week as well as the various Processions that we join.