The Ampleforth Lourdes Hospitalite stays in touch with members throughout the year, even when they find they are not able to come on Pilgrimage.
For existing members we have a very active members-only Facebook Group and regular newsletter. You can find options to subscribe to these below, as well as some information on the types of activities that go on throughout the year.

We have a very active Prayer Network that prays for the intentions of friends and fellow pilgrims all year round.
Members of the Pilgrimage run an online Rosary Group on Mondays, weekly Lectio Divina via Zoom and when permissible we join together regularly for Mass during the year.
The pilgrimage organises plenty of opportunities for members to meet up during the year, both in person and online.
We have an Annual Helpers Retreat at Ampleforth, reunions in and around the UK, as well as regular get togethers online for various groups within the Pilgrimage.
Already a member of the Pilgrimage? Don't forget to join the "Ampleforth Lourdes" Facebook Group to get updates on news and events as well as share updates with your Pilgrimage friends.